
I went out to the summerhouse the other day and discovered this: I hadn't seen the flower stalk coming up - I have several amaryllis and to be honest I haven't been paying them much attention: they bloom indoors in winter. They're often sold around Christmas for that reason. This year I've had one bloom toward the end …

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Here are several garden-related firsts of last week: First time I managed to get a vaguely reasonable photo of the blonde starling, though it's still pretty blurred - the creature will keep moving for some reason. . .! I don't think it can be albino because it isn't pure white and doesn't have red eyes, and it's …

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Belated Post

Reading others posts I often feel like I'm being small-minded or self-centred here, going on about my life and things I'm doing when they're talking about world issues and debating the nature of people and society. Then I remind myself that not everything has to be important and world-changing, that although obviously there are issues that …

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